Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Brilliant Kids

I don't say that much about my kids in here, but I thought I'd do a little bragging today. My youngest has, to be honest, been a real challenge, and many days I've wondered how we'll get through her teenage years without permanent damage. And I mean both of us. But today I'm real proud of her.

She's fifteen (going on twenty...), and she's a punk rock girl singing with her own band. That takes some guts, I'd say, going for what she wants like that. What I can't say though, is that I like her style, but I guess that's not my job, to like everything she does. Only support her the best I can. So why am I so proud? Well, she and her band performed on Friday at this Youth Festival of Art; an annual event since 1987, which also is one of the Government’s most important priority area on the field of youth culture. And they got through to the next level, which is the regional festival! Fantastic, isn't it?

My other daughter has started studying again, and she seems very happy with that. When she finished high school all she needed was a break, really didn't have any inspiration at all. Now she's "back" and attends a qualifying course for further engineering studies. Good on her!

As I told you a couple of weeks ago my son is doing his military service, and there too ambitions are in order, so I was actually a little puzzled when I asked him today (he was home on leave) where he wanted to go after those initial weeks of training. "Some administrative thing onshore." he answered. "Why? I thought you wanted to sail?" I said to him. But he was much smarter than that, he had planned actually. 'Cause the course he really wants to take doesn't start until much later, and being on a ship at that moment would interfere with his first priority. So sailing is second, but I do hope he'll get what he wants. Sensible young man as he is.


Toril said...

I'm very happy for you, my friend :) Children can be a challenge, but I certainly wouldn't want to be without them. After all, most of the time they are simply delightful!!!

Karin said...

Thanks, and you're right, being without them simply isn't an option, although calling them delightful isn't something I do that often. No, jokes aside, they're usually pretty OK each apart, but as now they're fantastic all at the same time. And that's what makes the difference right now.

Anonymous said...

and we're real proud to have you for our mother :D a real inspiration and guide. and if you can be proud of us, you have your self to thank.

Karin said...

So you're in here too, little rascal? Better watch "my tongue" then... Just kidding, and thank you so very much for those wonderful words. I feel pretty great today, is it springtime soon maybe?

Toril said...

Springtime coming, and I suggest we meet for lunch/supper soon!! Don't you agree?

Karin said...

A very good idea, as usual! How about next week?

Toril said...

I'm excavanting through Europe next week, but week 9 will be great if you have time. I miss our favorite check-point :) I also want you to meet a very cute and young Canadian girl!

I'm glad you've found your creativity in writing again!

Karin said...

I have all the time in the world, or none at all. But a little tête-à-tête at our place would be great anyhow. At least if we can trust them to do the quiche better than last time...

Week 9 is fine, as far as I know now that is!

Toril said...

Wonderful - I'll get back to you with the day and time :) Have a wonderful academic week!