Monday, January 26, 2009

Growing Up

Sen. John McCain has said about Leonardo DiCaprio that he's "an androgynous wimp", and I know many people who'd agree. Actually I hear more men saying that than women, and perhaps men feel threatened by the idea that a woman could fancy someone as "smooth" as DiCaprio? What ever the reason I can to some extent see their point, but after the first time a saw him in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? I have at least always regarded him as a brilliant actor, if not as "my kind of man". Personally I prefer stronger men, but that's a whole another discussion...

Anyway, tonight I went to the cinemas with my daughter, and the idea was to see the new Jim Carrey Movie Yes Man, but the tickets were all sold out. So decision felt upon Body of Lies instead, much due to the fact it's directed by Ridley Scott, and that Russel Crowe plays in it as well. DiCaprio wasn't what I really longed for... But here's the thing; both Scott and Crowe lived up to my expectations (especially Russel Crowe did a remarkable job portraying someone so not likable), but Leonardo DiCaprio is finally becoming a man. Still not "my type", but he was believable in his roll as a CIA field agent in the Middle East (what do I know...), and a little facial hair definitely suits him. All in all I enjoyed the movie, although it made me feel a little uneasy. Not so much because of the violence, which was quite explicit from time to time, but from what I sensed was a kind of realness. Trust no one. Deceive everyone.

But back to my reality here in Norway, where I don't need terrorists to mess up my day; that I can do perfectly well on my own. Like I have to hand in my first ideas for the first paper by 8 p.m. Monday evening, and I haven't started yet really. Sounds all too familiar, right? But I've had so much else on my mind, you know. Cooking and serving dinner for my dear friend on Friday, and then "recover" on Saturday. And we all know how to do that right? I went downtown to see a friend of mine, someone I haven't seen for ages. She's currently writing on her doctoral thesis, and I feel a little special 'cause I know she's very selective with how she uses her spare time. We chatted the whole evening about everything, from academic issues to men and house rent. Especially the topic of men was dealt with extensively. I caught the last bus home at 1...

I said Leonardo DiCaprio had grown up, but he's not the only one. So have I, actually. At least a little. For instance, one thing is that I've been far too evasive when it comes to ask the important questions. If I've felt mistreated or neglected in any way, I've always avoided to confront that. In fear of getting an answer I didn't want to hear, I never asked the question. For the first time (I think) I have now opened up my mouth, and asked straight out for plain words, knowing I might get a rejection. And it felt good, no sitting duck anymore.


Erica said...
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Erica said...

Ah, yes, I know the 'leave it to the last minute' syndrome all too well.... Actually dealing with that one right now! :) lol I'm beginning to think I'll never learn, but on the other hand I had decided to live in a fantasy world for awhile rather than dealing with reality! My choice....dealing with the consequences! ;)

I'm glad you mentioned your type - Leonardo isn't my cup of tea either - although I can certainly appreciate how yummy he is. This brings up a point I've been a bit confused about - some people don't realize they have 'a type'. I've mentioned that in passing a few times recently and was met with confused bewildered looks - a 'type'???? I was certain everyone has a one, maybe some don't realize it....

Karin said...

I managed to send in the "thing" before deadline, although I can see even without feedback from my peers that I will most likely change direction. But I guess that's actually how it should work - you might have an excellent idea, but as soon as you start to dig into, it the pitfalls and obstacles become more clear, and you can change direction, or leave the thing all together, before you've wasted too much time.

About types - Toril once thought she had me figured out. I showed her a picture of someone I was going out on a date with, and she said something like: "Oh, that's your type. You like the baldies!" This one had (as she pointed out) not that much hair on top, and just because she remembered what my ex looked like, and also another man I had a crush on, she assumed that "no hair" was a criteria. But in all fairness, she might be on to something, our dear Toril. I don't particularly care if they have hair or not, but they can't be vain. That's a no-no... And a lot of men with hair seem to be a little too preoccupied with it. (Just remember a friend of my ex's that used to put highlights in his hair...)

Charisma is important though.

Maybe I should write a list of actors which most resembles "my type"? Just for fun...

Erica said...

Trying again, I'm having trouble posting comments today. I either post twice or not at all....hmmm

Good for you meeting your deadline! I worked hard today, and ALL day for a change, so it actually appears I got something done.

I thought my 'type' were tall men, however the two fantastic relationships I've had the pleasure of being in were not even close to what I would classify as tall. But I suppose there was some underlying similarity somewhere. I agree the charisma thing is VERY important. I think my only criteria I have now is there MUST be some connection between us. I'm certainly not going to 'settle' for anything less!

How about a list of characters that resemble your 'type'. I'm too much of a realist when it comes to actors. It's the character they play that I like - not necessarily them.

Karin said...

I agree on you there, characters rather than actors, although some actors seem to work for me whatever they're doing, while others clearly are who they're portraying for the moment... I actually started on the "list" late last night, but it was too late to finish it. (Like a list like that ever would come to an end...) I'll continue later, now it's time for school.