Thursday, January 08, 2009


Yesterday a few things got settled. I was accepted for the masters degree program, which in turn decided my living situation for the time being, and I'll stay put here. Also had a consultation with my therapist/course instructor for the Angelos Method, and that too was very rewarding. She'd confirm what I already "knew" - I'm almost in place and ready. For what you might ask? (I know I ask myself that question sometimes.) But it's more like ready for life, for yourself. And it might also be ready for taking on the task of fulfilling 40 client sessions in order to get the final approval. 40 clients, where do I find them? Shouldn't worry, 'cause when I truly commit to go ahead they'll come to me - that's just how things work.

And as a matter of fact I actually might have just the perfect one to start off with. If he gets approved, that is. ;) He might be just a tad too close, and we're not supposed to work with people who are too near to us. This one though is a bit hard to define, he's got a position all on his own, so it might be OK anyway. I'll ask my tutor.

But if he's not approved of as a client of mine, we'd still go on doing the things we do now I guess. Meet occasionally, as yesterday evening, for coffee, wine and a chat. It's probably correct to call it a regular hangout, when you've met at the same place for more than three times, but I like it there actually. Not too big and noisy; a place for grown ups. (Even if I feel like a teenager at times, but hopefully I'm not acting like one. Or maybe I do, just a little...)

Last night we even had a few cognacs, so my adolescent behavior was perhaps a little too pronounced. But I'm sure no one really notices things like that, and if they do I don't care that much anyhow. As long as I'm not making a total fool of myself. And that i didn't.

We also had something to eat, but only a few appetizers. And you know, there's a reason they're called appetizers, 'cause that's what they do! Tease your taste buds, evoke a craving. So when I got home I was starving, but unfortunately I didn't have that much in the fridge. Well, I survive. And a little hungering has never hurt anyway.

I hope it's no too long before I see my darling friend again, 'cause I need to have a few holes drilled into the concrete walls here and I don't have the tools. Audacious perhaps to mention this here, since he's probably reading too... But he knows me. Only too well.

But let's go back to my studies. Now I have to step it up a notch, and I look forward to dig into the material. The course I'll be taking is called "Critical Approaches to Technology and Society", and from what I can tell reading the curriculum we'll be discussing games. That will suit me just fine, I like games myself. But there will also be a huge challenge, as I'll have to do something I didn't think I would. My kids have been suggesting for a long time now that I'll start playing World of Warcraft. They're both experienced players, and I think they're level 80 both of them, or just under. The reason for me not playing is that I also know me too well, had I started I know I would be so involved, wanting to master it. And I have had no time for that, I thought. Until now, 'cause it's mandatory. As is Tomb Raider. But that chick I know; played them all, even if it's years ago. So - playtime it is!


Anonymous said...

Dear Karin!
Sounds like fun!!
Great that you decided to go for the master!
Am I to close for beeing "treated"?
Are you coming this way soon?
Would certainly need it....
Guess your time is limited these days...again.
Think we should have a chat on the phone.
Bis bald!
Puss o kram /kusin vitamin

Karin said...

I might be coming next weekend actually! Have to check for tickets on Monday, and just see that I haven't missed anything else that might be in the way for a trip. And of course you can get "treatment", even if I can't sign you up as a client. That's two different things. But that we can discuss later.

I'll give you a call as soon as I know whether I'm coming or not.