Monday, January 12, 2009


New apartment, new challenges. Might seem as quite trivial, but still, those small things are very important. Like having knobs and hooks for hanging stuff in the kitchen - dishcloth, dish brush and other various items. One would think that the people who planned the kitchen would have thought of practicalities like that, but it's clear they didn't ask for my advice anyway. I asked them if I could put up something myself, and that was OK. Goodie, I thought, and now I only need some power tools...

But what can be better than having the whole job done for you? (I'm starting to get lazy...) The caretaker came over this morning, and with delight I watched this handyman control his tools while I sipped my coffee. And they say men are simple? They are constantly accused of checking us out, but I can assure you that we're not any better, if we allow ourselves. Or maybe that is a good thing? It certainly made my day, watching a confident man flex his muscles a little...


Anonymous said...

Ja visst är det fantastiskt med män med verktyg.......

Karin said...

Och kan de kyssas också har vi en 10-poängare...

Erica said...

Ahhh, sight seeing at it's best! ;) There's a bit of that where I 'try' to work; so when I truly have a lot to get done....I have to stay home!!!! lol

Karin said...

I usually don't give any New Year's resolutions, but if I would here's the current one: "This year I won't let these men distract me so much..."