Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Kinda nerve wrecking it is, just go waiting for that answer whether I'll get approved for the master program or not. But even if I do, I'm not totally convinced I should go on or not. If not, I'll need to start looking for a job...

So today I had a look and I must admit there's not much to choose from. If it really isn't, or if I'm just lacking confidence, that's another question. But anyhow - a CV is essential, and I found the one we wrote a couple of years ago on a course at the University. It needed to be freshened up a little, and one thing I really don't know how to solve is the "reference" part. The part where you put down names and numbers of people who'll gladly tell prospective employers how excellent you are. Since I haven't been employed for many (many) years I don't have any names to put down really. I know this is the same for anyone fresh from her studies, but as I'm entering the market quite late I think it would be better to have at least one who can vouch for me. In fact I do have people who can tell me how excellent I am, but I'm not sure if I can use them for reference though. ;) (If you think otherwise, please let me know.)

Meanwhile, I'm being very creative. I've managed to make room for my sewing machine, so I can pick up one of my favorite hobbies. Now I have my high tech machine standing on the stand of my old family heirloom - the Singer treadle sewing machine. Nice contrast, and it actually works fine. My new curtains for the kitchen are nearly finished, and I'm thinking it'd be a shame to move now. Ah well, they'll probably fit somewhere else too.

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