Monday, January 26, 2009

My Type

Spurred on by a little discussion I had with a reader here, regarding what "type" of men we preferred, I decided to make a whole post out of it. I suggested I'd make a list (of actors and other famous people) which reflects most "my type", and why not? I've already told you what I think about Leonardo DiCaprio, he's not my type ever, but Russel Crowe is a good example of what character and charisma have to say for the matter. In the mentioned Body of Lies he wasn't particularly tasty but in Gladiator and Master and Commander (now, I wonder why...) he really was something else. Still, Crowe isn't my type really.

Of course there's the one that all women put on their list, so I won't discuss him any further here. But even in the more recent Something's Gotta Give he's got the spark. Enough about him.

I must also stress that this list has no preferred order, the names appear as I go along. On the other hand it might be an indication who I recall first, so obviously will John Malcovich be kind of at the top anyhow. And who could resist him in Dangerous Liaisons... I haven't seen everything he's done, far from it, but one I perhaps should see (for various reasons), is The Libertine. In this film the lead character is played by Johnny Depp, and he's a tricky one as he's not my kind of guy really. But he's got something, that's for sure. He's got presence. And a very nice voice too, and for me that's important. Not only the voice, but the actual words as well.

My list will obviously reflect that I'm "old", 'cause in my search online with criteria like "hottest men on earth" there were ratings with men young enough to be my son! All more or less unknown to me, as I haven't paid that much attention to them before. I might now though... dirty old bag...

But there's one young man I've already noticed, and so have all the rest of the world. (Or maybe not that young, he's turned 30 actually.) Gael García Bernal played Ernesto "Che" Guevara in The Motor Cycle Diaries, and he too falls in under the category "not my type really but still got something". He's got (or his character in the movie) heart and brain, to vital assets. And lips... The most shocking thing I realized just now as I had a look at him on IMDb, was that he's almost a spitting image of an old boyfriend of mine, back from my teenage years...

I'll try to speed it up a little, it's not that interesting. Especially for any male readers, I guess. So in one sweeping row I'll give you George Clooney, Mike Rowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Alain Delon (as young of course), Viggo Mortensen, Michael T. Weiss, Bryan Brown (as in The Thorn Birds), Robert Redford used to be OK, Samuel L Jackson and Christopher Walken are getting older, but have done some memorable characters, Gary Oldman ("dangerous"), and so is Sean Bean, Hugh Jackman and last but not least Robert Patrick.

There could also be a list of men I know a lot of women would put on their "Yes-list" that I wouldn't, and there's one that immediately springs to my mind. Me ex-husband was quite a jealous type, but oh boy did he miss! He thought Steven Segal was my type, and I have no clue why he thought so. (Maybe he wanted to be like him...) No, don't fancy him.

All this is purely fiction, and again as Deb pointed out: "It's the character they play that I like - not necessarily them." In reality my type is a confident guy, with charisma and presence. His mind is working, and he's honest and sincere. And a good kisser... In fact, he sounds like a real star, right?


Erica said...

How absolutely PERFECT!!! You have put into words exactly what I've been thinking!

Coincidentally, I happened to catch Dangerous Liaisons this weekend - hadn't seen it before...what a shame that is! John Malcovich is someone I would never have picked, but then I suppose that speaks more to not having seen any of his movies than to him. But yes, now he would definitely be on my list.

No need to speed up the conversation....might do a few men some good to actually have a glimpse into the mind of a woman. Perhaps a better understanding of what attracts a woman to a man, ultimately less stress for them if they don't meet the 'Brad Pitt' or 'Steven Segal' standard. Neither of which would make it on to my list.

I looked up some of the men on your list, since I had no idea of who they are. I did however recognize them once I saw their pictures - by the way - I think you do have a 'type'.

Karin said...

Thanks, and it was kind of fun writing it. But I'm sure there are many more that could have been mentioned, that I've simply didn't think of. Jason Isaacs for instance.

And your last comment is probably very accurate as well...

(The picture is from Sacred Spirit's first album - Chants and Dances of the Native Americans, nice huh?)

Erica said...

Very nice album cover! I haven't come across this one, I suppose I've been out of the wholistic healing circle for too long. Come to think of it I haven't ventured into a music store in ages! If I was still into posters, that would be one for the wall of honour! ;)

Karin said...

It certainly would.

Silly to have a crush on a 100 year old Indian, right...

Erica said...

Hmmm, I don't think so. ;) He certainly is captivating isn't he...makes a person want to 'know' who he is. Just something in his eyes.....

Karin said...

Maybe some drums, chanting and magic mushrooms will bring us into a trance where we'll meet him? Sounds like a fun activity for a Friday night.

Erica said...

There you go! Now I have plans for Friday night!! See you then, ;)

Karin said...

And just think how much we can save on flights... ;)

Anonymous said...

Fantastiskt ansikte!! Helt i min smak faktiskt....
Glömde du Rolf Lassgård på listan?;)

Anonymous said...

Ville inte alls vara anonym, blev nåt tokigt, men du anar väl att det är kusin vitamin, som förövrigt har fullt upp med att tänka på vilken typ som är min.....

Karin said...

Rolf Lassgård, ja kanske det ja... Funderade lite granna på de svenska, men hoppade över - tänkte de kanske var lite okända. Men i så fall får vi ju inte glömma Michael Nyquist, Peter Haber (som Hamilton) och Johan Gry (Göteborgsdeckaren Erik Winter)

Och din typ? Han finns kanske i min lista? Eller varför inte en av dessa: Ryan Phillippe (Cruel Intentions) eller Paul Walker (Fast & Furious)?

Anonymous said...

afrån din lista- definitivt Russel Crowe iallafall. De två ovannämnda-lite för "Di Caprio", på de bilder jag såg. Hellre Alexander Skarsgård då.....

Karin said...

Det var bra att höra - ville bara kolla var du låg... och jag är helt enig, de är alldeles för gulliga!

Anonymous said...

About time to turn some pages here (for the male readers of this blog) What about Mari Maurstad, Petronella Barker and Ane Dahl Torp. And what about Halle Berry and Charlize Theron....drool, drool...
And some swedes - Karin of course and Marie Richardson... :)

Karin said...

Just what I dreaded - the male input! ;) Sorry, just kidding, but I actually thought about it - would I be intimidated and feel inferior by it, if you lot gave me a "list"? I mean, I figured you were confident enough to handle my musings here, but would I tackle the same treatment? Yeah, I think do; I know my worth now. I'll never have legs like a movie star, but I have other assets...