Saturday, January 17, 2009

Time For Laughs

In Sweden now, only for a short visit. I wasn't planning on doing any blogging until I got back, but I got a mail here which I just have to share with you. Well, not the actual mail, but the picture that came along with it.

This is supposedly taken outside Royal Hospital in Belfast where these guys are almost finished after a hard days work. They have just put up bollards to prevent the nurses (!?) from parking on the sidewalk. I'm not saying anything more, see for yourself...

And here's the caption from a gag cartoon I read in the local paper today:

Two guys sitting together, and one says "He said you were a big idiot, but don't think I didn't defend you. I told him you're below average height."


Erica said...

You just made my day! How perfect....sometimes nothing goes right - or maybe we should slow down just a bit and rethink things!! :)

By the way, congratulations on your move to your Masters! Lots of work, but it sure is fun. So much better than the undergrad degree program was, at least the first 2 years of mine.

Karin said...

When I opened that mail I totally cracked up. Simply hilarious...

And regarding the Masters - I'm sure you're right about the work, and you should now. Hopefully I manage to get through as successfully as you and our mutual friend (we have people watching here...) ;)

Erica said...

I still feel like it's only 'some' success on my part, I think I'm over critical of myself - expecting far too much for my first big research project. One thing I've been very fortunate, I have a supervisor willing to give me the responsibility to take over the whole thing myself. Nothing like jumping in and it's a sink or swim kind of prospect!!! :)

You'll do fine, just don't get caught up in the small battles, it's the whole thing that counts and what you take out of it all in the end. I spent far too much of my time worrying about some small stuff that really doesn't matter now - a waste of time and energy! One more thing I never ends and that's the fun of it all!!!!