Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I've got my approval today, and from now I can title myself Angelos therapist. Quite awesome, actually. Whether I earn the respect as such time will tell. Right now I have a pretty good feeling though. (Didn't this morning, but that's another story...)

After the meeting with my course instructor I went for a long overdue hair cut. Exiting the hair dresser's I was presentable enough to take to a restaurant, which my good friend Toril did. First we had a lovely meal at Naboen (Breaded Plaice With Chilli Mayonnaise And Salad), followed by coffee and cake at Molière's. There I also indulged in a most exquisite cognac, one even older than I am - Hardy's Noces D'Or.

But no treat could be nicer than the beautiful words Toril sent me after we parted. Thank you, my dear!


Erica said...

Congratulations!!! :) I see from the post above you're ready to move on to your new life - cleaning out the old and moving forward. Wonderful feeling isn't it?! :)

I think you're already on the way to having people's respect for your talent, it won't take much time for the rest to realize it as well! :) Again, congratulations!

Karin said...

Thank you so very much! Wonderful words, and I will treasure them. :)

Toril said...

And she meant every one of those words, and many more!!! you have qualities that are simply unique, and I think you'll become an outstanding angelos therapist one day - simply the best!!

I really enjoyed our evening out, and hope we'll see each other again very soon! Maybe as soon as the weekend... :)

One of these days, hopefully soon, we'll be able to continue talking and drinking all night long!!! Even indulge in some dancing as well, I can't wait!

Karin said...

I'll just quote Rupert Everett (as George Downes) in My Best Friend's Wedding: "Maybe there won't be marriage, maybe there won't be sex, but by God there'll be dancing!"

Toril said...

YEEAAHH!! I miss the dancing SO MUCH - I need change in my life too, my friend - and soon :)

Remember these days?

Karin said...

I've actually missed the dancing myself, to tell you the truth. About time we stirred up the dance floors around town...

Toril said...
