Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dancing Again

A friend of mine, my fellow graduate from the Angelos Method, sent me a SMS late Saturday night. We'd talked about going out for drinking and dancing, but I didn't think it would happen this weekend. Well, it did. 10.30 PM I ran for the bus,and arrived at her house 45 minutes later where she and another lady friend of hers were drinking beer outside. I was a little behind, but I approached the task fearlessly, and an hour later we were all ready to hit town.

We ended up at the night club Rick's, and tried to find a dance floor which wasn't too crowded. We did, but no wonder the floor was empty - the music was crap! Then after another beer we weren't that choosy and thought we'd make up a stir on our own, which we to some extent managed. "Suddenly" the lights went on and everyone was asked to finish their drinks and head out. We had actually danced ourselves through to closing time.

The night was warm, and outside people were crowding, some giving a final desperate try to hook up for the night. While my friend was talking to some guy, I sort of just stood there, probably looking a bit lost. Then this man asked how I was doing. Fine, I said, I'm just looking out for my friend over there. As I didn't have anything else to do, I started to chat with him. He was nothing but sober, I can still recognize a drunken, slurry voice when I hear one. I could hear he wasn't from town, so I just asked him if he was a visitor or lived here. I didn't have a plan with my question, but he might have thought so, 'cause during the course of our conversation I learned that he in fact used to live here (for 18 years or something), when he was in the Navy, and that he also was going to join them again, stayed in a hotel for the night, hadn't had any sex for 3 or 4 months and that he considered bringing me with him, up to the hotel room!

Was that a good offer or an insult? The idea that he thought it was merely up to him whether I'd be going to bed with him or not, was in fact a little offputting. Sure, I like a man taking command, but maybe not like that. How it ended? Well, I'm not telling... No more telling. At least not for free anymore. You give some, you get some...


Toril said...

I hoped you kicked him hard and brutally in the groin!!! I would be hugely offended!! However, that's me, and I'm not about to decide what is right and wrong for you :)

Karin said...

You know me, kicking is not for me. But between me and you (and anyone else who's reading comments...), of course I didn't go with him! And as drunk as he was I doubt he'd been to much use anyway. ;)

Unknown said...

And they wonder why we don't respond positively! Gee, thanks but no thanks for the offer!

Toril said...

I'm pleased to hear of the good news. Men like that should be given a prize, and in my opinion that prize should be a nasty kick in the groin!!!! It never ceases to surprise how men think they can get away with a stunt like that... I give up!

Karin said...

Now here are a few other suggestions for you Toril, if you ever wonder what to do with "A Drunken Sailor":

* Stick him in drag and make him Tina, (3x)
Early in the morning!

* Shave his bollocks with a rusty razor, (3x)
Early in the morning!

* Hang him from the yardarm til he dangles, (3×)
Early in the morning!

* Put him in the hull with an angry weasel, (3×)
Early in the morning!

* Hang him from the mast with his own intestines, (3x)
Early in the morning!

Libertè ;) said...

So much anger, violence and hostility..... :)
A kick in the "jewels" definetively hurts, but a smart and icy response/comment lasts longer.
And by the way - there are (also drunken)sailors who are gentlemen too...I hope....

Karin said...

I think I'm with you here; violence is not the solution. Feeling the anger is one thing, and a good thing at the right time and place; one should never be hurt and stepped on without reacting somehow. But I don't think it's necessary to always let that steam out so directly. Instead I try to convert the anger into something more constructive. Which I don't always succeed in - a lot time I end up crying... Then it would be nice to have something to kick! Or maybe I should just kick myself in the butt... ;)