Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Fantastic Day

While I was walking to the bus the other day, I passed two women chatting in the street. I didn't get the conversation except from one clear sentence; the instance I walked by: "And they're saying it's gonna be fantastic tomorrow!"

They? In this case the magical and almighty weather forecasters I presume. (Another time "they" could be the government or some other powerful institution...) Anyway, that remark made me thinking. Why is it that we always look for something better? Let me describe the day as it was. And also keep in mind the rain, snow and overall crappy weather that has predominated the last six months...

It was no wind, and warm enough to stay outside only wearing a very light jacket. Or even no jacket at all. The sky was just a little bit cloudy, and the sun paid us regular visits. Why wasn't that day considered "fantastic"? Instead of reading the papers, or checking the forecast on TV, and look for that big sun spread all over the map, why not go outside and feel? I believe we are so used to listen to what authorities (of any kind...) are telling us to think that we forget to listen to ourselves. And this obviously goes for more than idle weather chit-chat...


Unknown said...

So very true! It's a fabulous evening here, nice weather or not!And, I can say that in all honesty as the wine hasn't kicked in yet.... ;)

Karin said...

And here's yet another fantastic day,even the day after too much wine. It's the 17th of May and I'm having my kids over for traditional Rømmegrøt (porridge made with sour cream). Problems have to come back tomorrow, I'll deal with them then.

Unknown said...

My favorite!!!! :) So much so that a lot of the time I can't even let it cook completely because the smell is so intoxicating - I absolutely have to have some NOW!! ;0) Enjoy both the time with your kids and the porridge! I'll drool from here, or maybe make some for myself for lunch? Come to think of it I do have sour cream in the fridge.....

Talk to you later!

Karin said...

Yes, Rømmegrøt is something you either absolutely hate, or get completely hooked on...