Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm Moving

Weird feeling, but I'm actually moving out of here. Even if it's a rental, it will be a whole lot more like my apartment. There's no time limit, so I won't have that hanging over me. I'm so fed up with these surroundings now, I must admit that. So no more queuing for washing clothes. And guess what? There's a 6 burner gas stove in the kitchen...


Toril said...

Holy shit!! Did you get it?? I'm envious :) If the weather is bad, and I decide to work on Friday instead of taking the day off, I thought it would be a great opportunity to aim for a healing session on Thursday evening, but only if you have the time, energy and urge to commit to an old and wretched friend who sees the light at the end of the tunnel - occasionally!!

I had a very tough day yesterday, and my back and shoulders are aching badly, so it's time for the gym!!

Does the gas stove actually look like the picture?? When is dinner?

Karin said...

Thursday is fine, looking forward to it. For you I have all the time in the world, and I need you in shape so you can help me move next month... ha, ha.

Yes, the gas stove is exactly like the one in the picture. Wanna cook with me?

Toril said...

My God, you must be kidding!! I've never seen a stove like that before - never!! Yes, I definitely want to cook with you, some wonderful concoction which requires a bottle or two of tasty Italian to fully digest :)

Thanks for Thursday, Karin! I'll be coming back as the weather forecast looks rather sad, and I'm not about to sit inside a remote cabin while the rain poors down! Since Geir always works continuously I feel guilty for doing nothing - if you know what I mean? However, don't make any plans as I might collaps with the time off and actually enjoy the recliner and a good book :)

I had a session in the gym today, and I feel a whole lot better than I did earlier today. My body is simply ceasing up as I sit in front of the screen for hours on end. It's when your chest starts aching you know you have to do something about it!!

I had a bad day yesterday mostly because my dear daughter was in a bad mood, and I have to cater to it AND put up with it.... She sucks the little energy I cling onto completely out of me, and I'm left completely exhausted to shrivel up in bed. She was also miserable when we went to visit my sister on her 50th birthday, shocking but true. She's so much like her dad in many ways, and she will never see it or admit to it. Instead she dislikes her dad vastly, and is unable to see her own faults and lack of empathy of other people. I don't think I'll ever be able to change her!!

A lot of sadness and bitching today, and I think I would simply burst if I didn't have our blogs to vent my frustrations, anger, and sadness..... and naturally the moments of joy, happiness and optimism!

Unknown said...

Wonderful news on the apartment Karin!!! You will be so much happier knowing you have a place 'to be'! :) I love the stove too! The meals you'll be able to prepare!!! :)

OK, I already know the answer to this Toril, but why do you put up with that kind of behaviour from Kristina??? It's NOT APPROPRIATE for her to be 'taking' your energy - or you allowing her to do so! I say from my safe corner over here..... I know it's difficult, but removing yourself from the situation might be the best thing, she could have stayed home? I know there are difficulties, however that doesn't give her cart blanche to ruin everyone's day. NAG, nag, nag.... The key might be in something you said - I'll never be able to get her to change - you can't change her, only she can. Next time you could try putting yourself in a bubble, not allowing her to take from you, it's difficult and she will probably react quite badly, but she needs to know this isn't OK. Karin can help you with that one, as well as help you gain the strength to get ready for the next time... I'm sending positive thoughts and energy your way, and it's OK to tell me to butt out! ;)

Karin said...

I think I know how you feel, seeing the "worst" sides of our children isn't a nice experience, no matter where they got it from. (I'm quite positive some of my not so nice traits are passed down.)

In years to come, while I hopefully will succeed in helping people who chooses to see me, I guess I will always find "handling" my own daughters the toughest challenge. And if you for one second think you're the one that could change your daughter I must tell you - you're wrong! She has to do that job herself. But if you somehow get through, you might be able to let her see what she has to do.

Karin said...

It took me so long to write that last comment (had a phone call in between), that by the time a pressed the publish button Deb's comment had gone through. And I must agree with her, it's absolutely crucial you'll find a way to keep you energy while around Kristina. We'll talk about this more IRL...