Friday, September 01, 2006


Last night I finished, if not exactly to my satisfaction, my latest project, and it will hopefully work sufficiently until I have more time to look at it. Last year during the webdesign-course here at the university I made a website for a friend of mine. As gallery owners and alikes constantly asks for his webadress, we thought it was about time to get his own domain. Fancy indeed, and I feel a strong pressure to fulfill the expactations. As long as this was sort of a studentproject, I could hide beneath that, but from now on there's just me. A disclaimer maybe, on the site itself?

Now I have to dash, got business to do at the policestation. I didn't loose my license, and accordingly to their records I don't even have one. I do, but it's Swedish, and it has worked perfectly fine for all these years. Better go down and show it to them...

And maybe a quick coffe, Toril, while I'm downtown?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Halleluja, that would be wonderful, I'll put the coffee on right away!!! Or maybe I should wait for awhile in case they decide to keep you sustained for awhile.... Just to teach you to drive in Norwegian ;)

Careful while at the police station, somtimes those men/women in uniforms can be a little moody!! Stay calm and use all your best charm! The last thing you want is having to take driving lessons in Norway to get a Norwegian driver's licence - now that is expensive!!!!!