Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dreamy Sleepyhead

I'm sitting in one of the computer rooms at the university, almost asleep. No one's here so I'm considering resting my head on the desk and take a quick nap. The university has some serious problems with the ventilation, and I know they're working on it, but clearly this room hasn't got their attention yet. My intentions her today quickly vanished like the dew on the windows, and I let my thoughts drift off with the vapour.

Through the windows I can hear the the worksmen talking, it's probably lunchtime, but the words make no sense, only a murmur. It doesn't matter anyway. When I look out, the only thing I see is the yellow building on the other side of the yard, and a thin stripe of cloudy sky over the roof. A magpie blithefully flutters by, and lands on the edge of the roof, where he so indifferently follows his nature. The once dark sill below him is now stained white after years of visits from this Pica pica and his friends. I then hear a plane, and very soon it's also visible in my frame. I place my mind inside the plane and travel further, imagine myself flying higher into the sky. We ascend above the cloud cover, and I float into a bright insentience.

Without warning I hit the ground. Still a bit drowsy I notice the lecturer is entering the door, and the break is over. The birds outside lift off and take to the sky again.


Anonymous said...

You should have climbed up the stairs and socialized over a cup of coffee with your friends instead of struggling to stay awake in a suffocating computer room. Our room is now liveable, but that is strictly due to the heaters being turned off and the windows continuously left wide open, and not the ventilation. Does ventilation exist at this institution??

Having said that, I must admit I loved your imaginary journey, and it had me gasping for some additional air that enabled a swift transport to another, more exotic world. Hence, exotic does not indicate a palm tree and exhaustive heat. In fact, I don't need to go any further than to Lovund - explore the seashore, climb the mountain, and mingle with my favorite birds - the puffins!!!

Anonymous said...

Before I forget, some wonderful bedtime literature coming your way. Let me know when you're ready to reflect on the issue. Needless to say, it is an immensely interesting and fascinating approach to learning both inside and outside the academic institution ;)

Karin said...

Boy, was I half asleep when I wrote this! Read it through now, and I'm not sure - was I flying or what?

I have early lectures tomorrow (well, it is early for me, 10.15), and I'll pop by right after that. Then you can knock some sense into my head.

Anonymous said...

Ok ;)