Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Good Citizen

When you're living in a society together, at least you should try your best to get along with other people. That's kind of basic, you do your bit, and everything works fine. And then, if you would want to extend your contributions you could engage yourself in those less fortunate, giving your time and money to help out.

Me? Am I doing anything? Well, I have for a few years now been doing some volunteer work as a support person, or milieu practitioner, for boys with minor behavior problems. Quite an inspiring job, though lousy paid. (Volunteer, duh!) I'm more than willing to share my insight and wisdom to help them finding their path through life; and it's so rewarding when I know I made a difference, making them realize something important about themselves. However, it's utterly frustrating watching them doing the same mistakes over and over again. You would think that they should have learned by the time they turned 45.


Anonymous said...

Hi, hi, now I like this one!! I was thinking to myself; volunteer work? Karin? How come I didn't know? Not that I should have known, there is a lot I don't know about you (which is probably good...). I'm impressed by your optimism though, utterly - to think you could change a 45 year old boy!!!!!! I'm optimistic, but not that optimistic!!!

I've just been confronted with a problem concerning a 20 year old girl (not family). I know I have a lot of life experience that could lead her back on the right track, but somehow I really doubt she'll listen. Maybe for a couple of days, and then she'll be back with a boy who will drain her mind and soul from life itself!! It is simply terrifying, and I really need to shake this girl hard to wake her UP from her imaginary world!!!!! Should we do it together maybe???

Maybe our carriers will take a completely different turn than we had anticipated!! Then again, I believe it may be nicer to do occasionally - help a friend or a friend of a friend - and get a job more related to our education!

By the way, are you going to give up trying to teach little big boys about life, or are you still optimistic??

Karin said...

I don't believe I could change anyone, but hopefully my ideas could influence someone enough for them to wanting to change. Always an optimist...

And I have brownies for you tomorrow, although not time really to sit down and enjoy them in peace. But I'll pop by for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

Brownies??? My God, I'll come to university starved!!!! And you'll have to sit down with me, if only for a few minutes. Brownies are to be shared :)