Monday, September 18, 2006

What To Write About?

Writing is an odd thing. Some days you have to write, even if you don't particularly feel like it. Your lecturer is expecting it, and there's not much else to do but start the thing. Slowly, slowly, the text progresses and by Monday morning you're all done. Another assignment again might be very inspiring though, and the writing goes on both rapidly and fluently, as well as inspired.

Then there are days you just have to write, like there's a mysterious force driving you to the pen. No lecturer behind, no assignment. Only a sudden insight that has to be shared.

And funny enough, like today, my fingers still itching after last nights writing, and I want to go on. ('Cause you were right, Toril - I couldn't stop. Too much to say when I first got going, and too small a frame.) But the paper, as modest as it is, is finished, and I don't know what to write about. I could write about Sardinia, that would under most circumstances be an obvious choice. But I don't think so, writing cheerful holiday reports is not my style. I probably have to stick what I do best, and being critical that is. (Don't forget that it's not the critique that is negative, only your personal perception of it.) I'd love to see "Patchwork Girl" fall apart at her seams.

(227 words of nothing)

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