Monday, September 18, 2006

Permanent Makeup

Studying is like treating your brain with L'Oréal. It deep cleanses, and peels away prejudice. It hydrates, nourishes, and makes you feel younger and fresher. A good education makes you vibrant and colorful. And best of all -

you're worth it!


Anonymous said...

I like your metaphore, Karin, and couldn't agree more!!! I will miss the academic environemnt desparately - young and vibrant - although I assume there comes a time when we need to venture out of the ivory tower. I suppose you could prolong it by aiming for a Ph.D., but I'll leave that exquisite challenge for you!!!. Just take a semester at a time, and you'll find yourself lecturing the young and promising before you knew what hit you ;)

Karin said...

Ph.D. sounds like a good idea sometimes, then at least I won't have to get out in the real and scary world. First I just have to win the lottery.

I'll be down soon, and I got something for you...

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! Delicious brownies and I believe I won't have to eat another crumb for the rest of the day. Don't ask how many pieces I've just devoured! I feel like a pregnant rhinoceros, and I'm now seriously contemplating another visit to the gym this afternoon ;)

Karin said...

Thank you, my friend, they are quite good, I know. The "secret" is salt.