Friday, September 01, 2006


Do you have any idea how much it'll cost to have a charming man running down the street after you, calling your name? Mentioned it before, but again, I was caught speeding last week, and yesterday I got a letter from the polic-department where they kindly asked me to send a copy of my license, if I had one, otherwise they would pursue criminal proceedings against me. I knew it wasn't as alarming as it sounded, I was quite sure my Swedish license would do just fine. I was simply not in their records, that's all.

Anyways, instead of paying for a papercopy at the library, I thought I'd rather pay the Police Headquarters a visit in person. Behind the counter I found two nice officers, nothing but forthcoming and helpful, and I explained the matter to them. They got my license, copied it and told me they would pass it forward to the right place. Already when I left the building I thought about how charming they'd been and almost thought it was worth the speeding ticket. Suddenly I heard someone call my name, I turned around, and there came one of the officers running towards me. Was he going to arrest me? Tell me what a naughty girl I've been? Maybe handcuff me, take me into the interrogation room, and play bad cop for the rest of the day...

No, wait, that must be someone elses fantasy, I would have settled for a dinnerinvitation. But no, he only had a trivial question about some figures on my Swedish license. I explained and continued my walk to the University. Was this little flirt really worth 2900,- Norwegian Kronor? i.e. 446,57 Us dollars, or 235,14 British pounds, or 51 858,87 Japaneese yen, or 22 498,06 Philippine pesos, or 96 281,54 Hungarian forints, or...

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