Thursday, June 19, 2008

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold?

A father has just been offered 100 camels for his daughter. Unseen. I didn't think that happened these days in our Western world. So what should he do, then? Accept the offer? What is the exchange rate for camels these days? Where can he possibly home a 100 even-toed ungulates? Certainly not in his back yard, that's for sure... How will they survive the cold and harsh Scandinavian winters?

And if he's to find solutions for these (and many more) questions regarding the animals, what about the one who put in the offer? Can he be trusted? He might look the real McCoy, but fancy cars and boats are no genuine proof of sincere and honest affection. Will this handsome corsair treat the old man's only daughter right? The father has a lot to think about these days, and wants to make the right decision. He could not stand watching his daughter getting hurt.

Finally, does a camel go nicely on the BBQ?


Anonymous said...

The exchange rate for a camel was for quite some years ago 70000 AED. This equals approximately 98000 NOK. The price for the daughter should then be close to 10 mill NOK - not taking inflation into the computation. :)
A camel on the BBQ? No, I will not recommend it.

By the way - Norway is the number one export nation of camels.

Karin said...

Well, that sounds like a good deal, and the father will sure need some extra cash for his retirement...

The negotiations are still ongoing, but the transaction will probably be settled any day soon.