Friday, June 20, 2008


The strangest thing just happened today. I had a call from Sweden on my mobile, and he sounded a little worried: "I can't call your home number. Got a message saying you have a new number. I've tried several times - same message." I sensed he was thinking I'd got tired of him calling, so I reassured him and promised to find out what had happened. We hung up, and then I called my own number. I was much surprised to know that not only had I changed my number, but my new number was the one to Tine. How odd is that? Even the people at Tele2 found it hard to believe; and they couldn't find any suitable box to tick of on their screens for this type of error. Well, that's their problem, and I look forward to an explanation. (Maybe this was coming, me writing a bachelor assignment on the subject of hackers... some strange and divine prank)

I called my friend back and we had a good laugh about it, and I also made it clear that we were still on speaking terms.

By the way - does this mean I now am the proud owner of "Norway's largest producer, distributor and exporter of dairy products"?


Anonymous said...

Eg visste vel at du vill bli nokke stort, ka sa eg?

Karin said...

Wanna buy some shares? Might be a good investment. The value is rising dramatically these days...