Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Strong Winds

When I arrived at my mother's early yesterday morning I realized I've been up for a whole 24-hours, if not counting a quick nap on the ferry while the cleaners were vacuuming right under my feet. On my way I was also caught up in traffic jams caused by accidents, both on the Norwegian side as well as the Swedish. Apart from that the actual driving went smooth, well, as smooth as a long drive in a Nissan Micra can go. And I'll tell you this for sure; this was the first and only time I ever do that. That stupid car is quite alright for shorter trips, but in the long run it's very exhausting. And oh my god, how slow that car is, making any attempts at overtaking other cars a very risky business. So in order to avoid that tiring trip again, I'll have to stay here in Sweden. But you'll never know, I might do that anyway. Funny how crossing the border can turn foes to friends.

After catching up on the sleep, I made myself look somewhat presentable and headed off to the coast. (My mother lives a few miles inland.) Went to the marina and checked out the boats, and Josephine was every bit as beautiful in real life as in the pictures. The wind was so strong yesterday, that the boats catching it sideways tilted, even with sails down at the jetty. Josephine though, had the wind coming from the rear, and lay fairly still.

A nice meal at an italian restaurant later made the first day of the holidays rather a good one. Carpaccio for anti pasta, and parmesan ravioli with sun dried ham for main course, and just that one glass of house imported red wine to go along with it. I wasn't driving so I guess I could've had more, but why overdo it? Dessert was taken elsewhere, sweet an rich.


Toril said...

The desert sounds divine ;) Enjoy yourself my friend!! Off to Edinburgh tomorrow to attend the graduation, and to shop, eat, drink, and above all socialize :)

Karin said...

It was even better than the appetizer.

Give my best to your kids, and a special one to Kristina on her graduating. Have a good time now, and we'll catch up soon, right?