Friday, June 13, 2008

In A Haze

I'm so easily manipulated it's ridiculous. Went to the mall today with one of my friends, not for any shopping, but she was to deliver some of her work to the gallery. But as long as we were there we'd might as well look around. She found a nice top, and sort of accidentally picked one out for me too. OK, I liked the top, and grabbed a blouse and a dress too, and headed for the changing rooms. "Try these please, with that striped top." she said. My answer was a firm "No, you'll never see me wearing tights. Never in a million years." I'll keep the story short (-ish), for a change, and the end of it is that I now wear tights! With that top, and the cardigan I bought later, it actually looks quite good.

Amazing what compliments and feedback can do to your ego. If someone treats you like you're the eighth wonder of the universe, good chances are you're starting to act a little like it. Nothing wrong with being a miracle once in a while.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for yet a wonderful time together with you!! It is my pleasure to say that you look very lovely in your new tights!!!! And I am looking forward to next time we meet over a glass of wine!

Karin said...

Funny enough, I actually feel great in this outfit. On the other hand, that feeling might come from something completely different. No matter what, this will come in handy if I ever write that book...