Thursday, June 05, 2008

Nightly Activities

Had some trouble getting to sleep last night. As I made myself ready for bed I heard some odd noises and looked outside to find out what the commotion was. A couple were going about just below my window, and I was fascinated by the sight. Panting and puffing and strange movements. In circles they went on for like an eternity, but I couldn't tell if they were mating or fighting.

But then again - with hedgehogs I guess that's pretty much the same.


Erica said...

I didn't know you had hedgehogs there! We learn something new everyday :)!

Karin said...

Oh yes, and lots of them too these days. My suspicion is that it has something to do with the invasion of the Arion lusitanicus. Too bad our prickly friends won't eat enough of those slimy creatures...