Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wind In My Hair

Remember that old wine I told you about a month ago? Well, I didn't open it that day after all. Right now I can't remember why, but it doesn't matter anyway. Today though I felt like having a glass, and that bottle was the only thing I had. So here I am, watching Sweden vs. Spain (1-1, 73 minutes into the game), drinking Spanish wine, and trying to find my Swedish roots. Which in my family is inevitably linked to watching soccer.

What about the wine than? It's pretty clear now that the conditions haven't been the best, I think I can detect a slightly sour taste. Just a hint, and it's still drinkable, but I'm glad I didn't have to impose this on someone I care about. If there's a lesson her I don't know, but maybe there's a time and place for everything, and some things can't wait?

Anywhos... This is the last week before the holidays starts, and I don't think I've ever wanted and longed for it as much as I do now. Sure I need it too, I think most people I know would agree. And this one will be a long one too, with enough time catch some wind, both at sea and on land. Nothin's like a convertible to mess up your hair...

But before letting myself into this wirlwind of exciting adventures, I have that oral exam to pass on Monday. Let's not make a big fuzz about it though; I was so extremely happy to have finished the written part I'm rather indifferent about the whole thing now. Whether I get this or that grade doesn't matter that much right now. I have far more important things on my mind these days.

Finally it seems I'm getting closer to where I wanna be (I might have said this before...), but it hasn't come free. Hard work is what it takes, and determination. And never let anyone boss you around. Never. Simple, right? It's like navigating in a way. Study your chart, choose your destination, pin out the coordinates and set sail. Just stay clear of grounds and reefs, and take extra care while crossing open waters.

Seems like I always come back to the same point - water. And what a good point it is! The source of life, the source of everything one might say. In it, under it, on it, with it, living it.

PS. As always, there's no way for you to know how long it takes for me to write a post unless I tell you, and usually it won't matter. This one though took forever, and it could make a difference. 'Cause while I was spending some quality time with my daughters the wine improved, and in the end it was almost pleasurable, like everything bad was forgotten.

Just pulling your leg a little. Perhaps there are no analogies, lessons or anything? Life is just what it is, and you better participate while it passes by? I for one am planning to do just that. No more waiting for life to start. Sounds like an epiphany, doesn't it? DS.

Update, with no significance to the point here: Sweden lost the game.

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