Monday, June 02, 2008


The absence has been necessary - to gather my thoughts; recollect myself. Being exposed to the elements too long had made me brittle, ready to crack like the bottom of a dried-up lake. I then withdrew from the battle field in order to get my strength back, as I needed to protect myself from getting hurt. Not that anyone was deliberately aiming for me with bad intentions, but still, I was vulnerable.

But now I'm here again, seems like I always bounce back like a weeble. The Bachelor assignment is now finished, something I didn't think was going to happen. This semester either... But thanks to wonderful supervisors and a few lucky coincidences, I managed to pull myself together enough to get the work done. That was a tremendous relief...

After spending so much time bending my brain academically, it was an absolute treat to attend the third weekend this year with the Angelos method. And I can also confidently say that it has made all the difference, the strength I needed to face my battles was regained, and I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. There's always room for improvement and growth, but at least I'm in charge of my own feelings again.

Now I really look forward to the vacation, and the prospects of spending some time at sea this summer really looks promising. Maybe sailing even!

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