Saturday, October 21, 2006

180 Degrees Of Being

I'm exhausted after this weeks turmoil. The different emotional states I've been in since Tuesday, I'm sure could fit into any psychology curriculum. And now? I've just had a most delightful evening with a friend of mine, and I feel a whole lot better.

I had quickly whipped up something to eat; a veggie pie with broccoli, sundried tomatoes and onions. And cheese of course. All washed down with a litre of Italian plonk, which was surprisingly good. After that we checked out "boats for sale" on the internet. The Sambuca I brought from Sardinia went really well with that. I must admit I almost got a little bit tipsy, and that's probably also the reason why I'm sitting here writing, instead of jumping to bed. I will, in just a second.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening, and I wish you good luck finding the boat of your dreams :) I can actually picture you vacating like this!!!

Karin said...

Mee too, for sure...