Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hands On Research

I'm not sure if I'm feverish or just plain brain dead, but these days I found the silliest things amusing. Like my new phone. It's red and almost, as Toril said: sexy. I wouldn't actually say that about such a prosaic thing as a mobile phone. But this one? It is. Kind of.

When I first read about it long before it was released I new I would like to have one, and I just figured I'd wait for it. But just shortly after, my son's phone was stolen, so I offered him mine and bought a cheap phone for myself. From then and until now I've been pretending I was over this kind of gadgetry and was perfectly happy with my very basic phone. No camera, no extras, no nothing really. I could make calls with it, though. Kind of the idea with a phone, isn't it? And why bother with all that extra stuff? The cameras are usually not that good, and if I want to take pictures I'll use a proper one. Music? Have my 6Gb Mp3 player, no need for that.

Lucky me, my son is a teenager, and a lot of them have some serious problems in differentiating between what's their's and not; so for the second time this year some kleptomaniac couldn't resist the temptation, while my son was playing basketball. Now I could stop pretending, and I ordered the SonyEricsson K610i which arrived today. This is when the fun starts, and the very reason I first noticed it:

It has a blogger function!

With just a few key strokes I can publish to my new mobile blog account, as for now only in old Blogger, but hopefully new Beta Blogger will catch up pretty soon. What I hope even more is that I somehow can find some inspiration in it too, regarding my field of studies. Blogger Mobile could be relative to both "Digital Culture & Digital Media" and "ICT & Learning", I guess. And I DESPERATELY need inspiration.

Have to remind me what I told myself when I first began this journey at the University. I said, that it's not only what I learn there and what stimulates me, but in finding out what's not stimulating I will get a clearer picture of what I want to do. And one thing for sure, I'm too old to be back in elementary school with reading aloud from a book. Pun intended.

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