Thursday, October 05, 2006


I sit down here, with every intention of writing a post. There's a lot I would like to discuss, and I even start out on a few. Write a sentence or two, only to delete them seconds later. "I'm off again. This time the occasion is my brothers birthday. He's all grown up now." shift+home, delete and the screen is blank again. Not that I don't want to tell you about my dear brother and the rest of my wonderful family, but then again, why should I? I can write about the party next week, if I'll survive it. "Please help me, I'm so frustrated." Sure, that one is deleted as well. I mean, what's the big news? 4 years, and I'm still a mess. Ups and downs coming so fast I don't have time to adjust, not to mention how my friends need to be around to watch the turmoil. And talking about friends. "How far does your rights stretch? Is it wrong to accidently listen in on a conversation, even if it is about you?" Deleted. I didn't know how to pursue that one. When it happened I got all these brilliant ideas about the self and the "ownership" of it, but as always it seems like I'm incapable of holding these thoughts together. They get all tangled up in the clutter that is constantly present in my brain. I am soo tired of it. It feels like I'm a pressure cooker, just about to explode. And the question is-

Should I turn off the heat, or try to vent out the steam?

Pic is "stolen", this time from Gary Pruner. Hope he doesn't mind.


Anonymous said...

Now this one is interesting, and has my head spinning - SO expect a loooonnnnggg comment in the near future (soon). I'm having my lunch now, and since I'm alone - I'm reflecting and thinking about YOU and your current life :)

Karin said...

Yeah, I thought it would, honey. And I'm looking forward to your looong comment.

Too bad computers run on electricity, otherwise I think I would do fine all by myself, in a small cottage out in the woods, writing all day long. Only living on air and... Oops, forgot. Can't live on air alone.

Anonymous said...

Are you a hotchpotch girl or maybe just a patchwork girl? You’re not alone with that felling these days. But there are cures, and the salvation is near, maybe you’ll even find the cure one this journey? While back home we’re picking potatoes and scratching our heads. Enjoy your holyday.

Anonymous said...

Hei Toril!
Bare en test, skrevet hjemme hos min bror. Har prövd å legge ut din laaange kommentar, den "går gjennom" men dukker ikke opp i mailen min. Ser ut som den stopper hos Blogger. Så hvis du leser dette tror jeg vi kan konstatere hvor feilen ligger; ingen lange kommentarer! Du får legge de som följetong...

Anonymous said...

Ok, jeg skal prøve å 'forkorte' meg - av og til har jeg bare så mye jeg ønsker å si, og da er det vanskelig å holde på tåta :) (the Bloviater at her best!) Håper at du koser deg masse i Sverige, og på party sammen med de gamle 50-åringene, hi, hi!!!

Traff Linn på Lagunen i dag, hun er utrolig nyyyyydelig, vakrere enn jeg noen gang har sett henne!!! Det var forresten etter at jeg hadde sett bilen din rett før Lagunen (kom fra Nesttun), og lurte på hva i all verden den gjorde der....

Enjoy, relax, party, laugh and be silly!!!

Karin said...

Thank you, both Synnøve and Toril for your encouraging comments, and you're probably on to something there Synnøve; I think I'm more a Patchwork Girl. We'll just have to hope the stiches will hold...