Friday, October 27, 2006


picture from Pernicka ProductionsI'm sitting here aching all over, waiting for my baby. My eyes are sore and I'm so cold you could put me straight into a cryogenic storage tube. Now and then, a sudden flush of heat tells me I'm still alive. I look through the window, that's all I can do. Any other work is simply too demanding, my head feels like cotton wool. Outside the wind carries away the last golden leaves from the giant maple tree. For a while I imagine myself sitting on a yellow leaf, whirling away, only to unhurriedly descend to the ground. There I would join the ones who shared my destiny, and we would slowly decompose and turn to soil.

"Is that the car now?" I think I see something coming this way. But no, not this time either. Impatiently I check the computer again. Splendid service that is, you can follow your shipment in detail from departure to arrival, but it hasn't been updated since it left DHL in Copenhagen at 07.20, so I'm figuring it surely must be in Bergen by now?

And I really hate having a cold...

The picture is from Pernicka Productions


Anonymous said...

Poor you, colds are awful and insanely inconvenient! Geir has been cursed with a cold for over a month now which has restricted his active life profoundly!! In addition he's not his happy self although he's doing his very best :)

We found some wonder medicine on the sailboat the other day (hi,hi), and I've noticed a remarkable change since, and can highly recommend the same treatment although in much larger doses since you're in walking distance to the bus ;)

Anyways, get well soon (I'll keep my fingers crossed for you)!!!! And bring that baby with you to university when you've recovered. It sure looks like a beauty, and knowing you it is probably picked from the top shelf!!!!

Karin said...

Thanks. Me, Van Gogh and Strindberg then? That medicine might even do wonders for more than a cold.

And my baby sure is from the top shelf, within that price range. Still, I really look forward to it. Although I have a suspicion, some things will suffer from this purchase. If my little baby will be screaming for more attention, or if I'll fail my exams, that I'm not sure about yet.