Monday, October 23, 2006


So, is this what it's coming down to? How disappointing. As it appears now, studying at the University is nothing more than trying to beat a deadline. What happened to my inspiration and desire to learn?

Don't worry, I'm sure I'll bounce back soon (and that better be very soon, another deadline is just around the corner...), it's not all that bad. I still love to learn, in fact I think I learn new things everyday. But perhaps not the right thing at the right time! In the end though, I'm pretty confident that it'll all make sense. I firmly believe that everything is connected in some way or the other, but sometimes you're just standing too close to see it. Sounds like I should take a break, and step back a little. Too bad I didn't win the lottery this weekend.

But I did finish that assignment last night, in the exact same manner as the last one. Start write when the sun sets and then finish an hour after midnight, only to hand in some inferior hackwork at lunchtime the following day. I'm not very proud of that, but seems it's the way I work nowadays. If speed was a trait I could produce a potboiler in three weeks.


Anonymous said...

I suppose we all have our own ways to create academic content, and I've known many like you who need to have a knife to their throat before they create anything :)

I, on the other hand, need time to think, and whether that is good or not remains to be seen. I suppose I will have less errors and better references, but the reflective content may not be as good as you!! I think you would actually do well in a very hectic and stressful environment. Have you ever considered becoming a money or stock broker. I believe the environment would enchant you completely, although I would probably never see you again ;)

Karin said...

Oh no, you've got me completely wrong, sweetie. The thing I wrote last night wasn't any good at all, at least not as good as it could have been had I spent some time at it. I just did it because I had to, didn't wanna flunk. As simple as that.

And me as a stock broker? Are you kidding? The perfect place for me would be somewhere I could fix and organize things at my leisure, i.e. a library, an archive or a storage room at Rema1000. Or I could fix and organize peoples brains.

Anonymous said...

You would definintely belong in a library, YES!! But NOT hidden away in a storage room at Rema 1000, what a waste of a good female brain!!!!! I could also see you as a very successful psychologist or even better, a gestalt therapist ;)

Karin said...

I have actually worked in a library, ages ago. As a matter of fact it was the library belonging to Astra Zeneca - one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies. So there I had a little bit of everything, and I even used to skim through The Lancet everytime it arrived at our desk. But I didn't get much of Journal of Chromatography. Beautiful colour charts, though.