Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Being Nice

I'm not a religious person, but since this post isn't about personal beliefs,I'm not going to explore that point now. But I do believe the basics in most religions hold some value, and to put it simple: BE NICE! I know a lot of people have said it before, but it can't be said enough.

Even though some research shows that it is the more aggressive types that will survive, what's the point passing your genes on, if the offspring has nothing but violence and cruelty to look forward to? So be nice. To yourself and to the people close to you. Instead of trying to save the world while you at the same time have a silly argument with your neighbour about his overgrown hedge, why not be nice? If everyone did their best to treat the people they actually meet the best way they could, and left the rest in peace, I think the World would look much better.

I have for long now tried to live by the simple law of Cardamom Town:
"You shall never bother others, you shall be both fair and kind, and whatever else you do I shall not mind."

Simple, right?

I've also tried to be nice to myself, and that is actually quite hard. Today I treated myself with the latest copy of Computer Arts Project. (Hopefully I'll find some time for it.) And tomorrow I'll meet Toril for some Wining&Dining. On a Wednesday! That's a students life...


Anonymous said...

My friend, funny that stuff about "being nice". I grew up in a family that was nice, with wonderful grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins in the immediate neighborhood - all of them NICE! When I think of my childhood it's like a fairytale, was it really for real?? Yes, it was, and there is nothing better than having nice people around, providing children with the security and love that so many are desperately missing today.

One major problem about being surrounded by NICE people though; you are SO NOT prepared for the BIG world. You don't see nastyness, dangers and evil skum even when it is staring you straight in the face!!!!!!! Could our parents have prepared us for that?? Or is it their job to protect us from it??

All I can say now though is that when you get to the end of that cliff and make the BIG JUMP, it's all worth it, because when you start to live your life again you find friends that are NICE (like Karin)! Once again you are surrounded by people that aren't stabbing you in the back, cheating and lieing. I suppose it's like evolution; we get older and wiser!!

Hopefully you'll also learn to be nicer to yourself in the process ;O)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I absolutely adore the picture!! The cutest bee I have ever seen, and the colors remind me of the approaching spring and summer. Hopefully we'll have sunshine in abundance, and perfect winds for sailing. Jippi :)

Karin said...

You're absolutely right, we were probably not prepared for nasty people. On the other hand our parents taught us how we ought to behave, they passed on a very valuable mental ballast I believe. And that is most likely the reason why can keep sane in a mad world. In order to recognize what's wrong you have to know what's right...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Being nice...? This brings to mind a saying parents were always quick to remind children of when I was young. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

Or, from a more famous source, "the meek shall inherit the earth".

It doesn't prepare a person for the communicative challenges of the "real world" but it does give a basis for one's integrity.

Karin said...

Then if that saying holds any truth, you better keep your mouth shot, Jeanne! And you will most certainly not inherit the earth...

Anonymous said...


Karin said...

Well, isn't it? I might be mistaken, but as I said; I'd prefer to know who I'm communicating with. So just fill me in with some details. I don't have anything to hide, and that's why my blog isn't anonymous. If you don't have anything to hide either, you could at least tell me where you're from?

Anonymous said...

I am from Canada and I picked up your blog site from my sister's e-mail history. I don't believe in coincidents either so I am going to check some things out.

Although, I still plan to read and enjoy your blog. I'll just skip over the wierd bits.

Karin said...

Ah, Canada, I see. That's a beautiful country, allthough personally I have only seen a very small part of it. I spent a fortnight in St John's, New Foundland, a couple of years ago. Spectacular! But also quite similar to Norway, at least topographically. Very friendly people...

So are you Canadians this nice whereever you're from? As Canada is an enormous country, I guess some people can enjoy springtime while others still have to ski to work. How about you, snow or daffodils where you are?