Friday, March 24, 2006

A Spanish Fox

I'm stunned. I can write in Spanish! And I didn't know before. Just kidding, but what I didn't know is that Google has a translation tool, and someone used it to have my page translated. It made me giggle.

So many things I don't know, every day is exciting: what will I learn today?

("time elapsed, about 5 min...")

I'm back after checking out Googles tools, and it turns out that I can write in a lot of languages including Korean and French. Excellent! It's also evident that I never before really have taken any time in exploring Google. Sorry about that, folks! I'm sure I will find many uses for Googles Help Central in times to come. But that's also kind of typical, the most obvious things can take forever to discover, even if they're right in front of your nose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope it works on Norwegian. Easier to read some of your links! Hard to beleive that Bergen would run out of water. But if there isn't enough flowing water in Bergen, maybe Goteberg?