Friday, March 24, 2006

We Need Water

Nature has its own way of beeing ironic. I live in a city which is widely known as one of the wettest places on earth. All we have here is rain, rain and even more rain. But if there's one time of the year when we could appreciate the downpour it must be the winter, because then it would come down as snow. Not this year, though. This winter has turned out to be very sunny with almost no snow at all, with the result that they officially tell us to be very careful with our water usage and start saving water. Well, at least it means I can be excused for not washing the car.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint you my friend, but you see; if you take the car to a "do-it-yourself-wash" you actually get away with using very little water. I know, because my dear "love" washed both our cars last night, and used very little water.

In these places you PAY for the water usage, so there is no excuse (or bad feelings) for not washing your beautiful, little red car, so get to the job, girl!! he, he ;o)

Karin said...

OK, see your point, and I must say I'm almost embarressed driving around in that dirty car of mine. I'll do it tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

" Rain,rain and even more rain "
it sounds very depressing ?

I think you shall go for the course in Gothenburg !

Karin said...

Think so, do you?

Well, rain can be very beautiful. Depends on your outlook. And I also remember someone told us that there wasn't such a thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. Or something like that.

But I will at least have a little chat with the faculty at GU when I visit Gbg next time.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the car, it's just social paranoia!!! :)