Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Grey Sky

The picture in last post was pretty ugly, I'm sure you agree. I won't brag and say this one is pretty, but it looks a little better than the previous at least. So here goes, another PhotoShop experiment:


Anonymous said...

Interesting picture. It is both beautiful and artistic. It has a mysterious beauty. I wonder if it is part of a panorama series of several pictures.?

The artistic lent comes from the ability to experience several feelings. It can be either warm and cozy or dark and forbidding. Or, alternatively I can attempt to sense the feelings of the person who took the picture. The water is so still that it could have been a very peaceful and quiet nightwatch. Soul restoring time? One should feel priviliged to experience such beautiful nature.

Hmmmm...well back to the "fat free" frozen chocolate yogurt.

Karin said...

That could be an idea, to extend it to a series of pictures. See what I can find inside my head. Photoshop is very fun, too bad I don't really have time for it, but then again maybe I should just make time for it. Every time I start it up I learn something new. this picture is made from scratch with pencils, layers, filters and so on. Very much fun, indeed. And very relaxing. Yeah, I really should do more. For my own peace of mind...

Anonymous said...

I guess it must have been a picture in your mind that technology has enabled you to express and me to view?

Karin said...

You could put it that way, yes. The wonders of technology, but still, we humans have to master it. Technology isn't something that works on its own, and I'm quite fascinated how we find so many interesting ways to interact with it.

Anonymous said...

And today the picture is a sunrise. ;))