Friday, March 17, 2006


Breath in - breath oooouuut. Through your nose - through your mooouuth. I don't know if I did a good job at it when I gave birth to my children, or if the image of a panting woman is from a Hollywood flick, but the technique sure is useful for all kinds of pain and contractions. Every time it hurts I just try to slow down my breathing and take control of the situation. Try to think of something else, and it seems like it's working. It did last night anyway, but come to think of it, that might have beeen thanks to sharing a bottle of wine with a friend, and Cointreau in our coffees.

Speaking of alcohol; I have realised something there (too!). These days I don't drink that much, not that I ever "was drinking", but some of you know what I'm talking about and for those of you who don't - let's just say that there are too many ghosts walking around here. But all I wanted to say, without excusing anyone, is that I on some level can understand why they drink. I never did before, but I see it now. In my "other life" alcohol was just nice and fun, and I never liked to have too much of it (even if I sometimes did). The reason to drink as means to subdue some pain or make you forget something was a total enigma for me. It isn't anymore, 'cause it actually does "help". Suddenly, after a couple of glasses, everythings gets a little hazy, and you feel beautiful and invincible. Luckily for me I'm sober enough to merely reflect upon it, I'm more than positive that I'll never going to "drown my sorrows" in Shiraz. But I do understand now.

Never forgive, though.

Breath in - breath oooouuut


Anonymous said...

That " Ghosts" by Ibsen is depressing!! Talk about a string of bad luck for all involved.

Never forgive, though....bit off subject don't ya think?

Karin said...

Mornin' to you too! You see, this is exactly why I'm so ambivalent to blogging. I'm not sure if it provides me with the right amount of artistic freedom. The link to Ibsen wasn't meant to be taken literally, at least not all of it. And some of it just metaphorically.

And the part about forgiving, well, my forgiving have nothing to do with any relevance to "Ghosts". That was just my mind wandering off a bit.

The point is that this is a huge problem with blogging for me, is it my online diary, or is it fiction? It is both I think, but only I know what and how I write. (And sometimes not even I do...)

What ever it may have sounded like, I'm also thankful for my experiences. I actually believe they made me a better person!

Anonymous said...

OK, so the reference to "Ghosts" was meant to express an opposite perspective. Never forgive = on-line diary. Sorry, didn't mean to intrude.

On a bright note, I like your explorations into experiencing other peoples perspectives in life. What is really interesting, is how you use the web to explore your thoughts into the other perspectives you have discovered. Mind you, some of the words you use keeps me going to the dictionary to be sure of the meaning.

Blog On !!!!

Karin said...

Thanks, I probably will continue blogging. At least as long as I don't find any other relief for my writing itch. But I do appreciate comments, they keep me on my toes, making me aware of how I'm expressing myself.

My nature is trusting, sometimes even bordering an almost unhealthy naivness. Lately though, I have found out that one can't be too careful! You never know when you're going to get stabbed, and to protect myself I've started to be very suspicious from time to time. I don't particularly like it, but it's sometimes necessary.

Just a little paranoid now and then...