Saturday, March 25, 2006


Have you ever been on a train, when suddenly it stops in the middle of nowhere, and you have no clue where you are or why the train stopped? Well, obviously you're somewhere on the line between the stations, but the stop was totally unexpected. There's no information given on the PA system, and you just sit there, waiting for the bloody train to get moving again. While you wait there's plenty of time to wonder about why you're stuck in the desolation. Has anything happened to the locomotive? Engine problems, maybe? Or is it something further down the track? Another train coming? Or maybe some poor soul is lying on the rails? You look out the window and perhaps the scenery is breathtaking, but you really don't perceive because all you can think of is The Train. What happened? How long are we supposed to stay here? Hello? Is it ever going to move on again? Still no answer. And then, as sudden as The Train stopped; a barely noticable movement, almost nothing but a faint tremble. You realize The Train has come alive again, slowly the engine is building up power. And you're on your way.


Anonymous said...

This sounds great!!! It could run all the way to Goteborg where you have a good chance to forge a new cup. Or a quiet dell with an amazing stream running though!?

But now the world is open to you, it could go just about anywhere!!!!!!!!!

Karin said...

After discussions with various people and careful considerations I have come to the conclusion that I need to enable comment moderations on my blog. Therefore I also would like to ask you: Who are you anyway? I have other commenting here "anonymously", although they are actually known to me. You on the other hand is more of a questionmark. But let's just say I don't believe in coincidences. So either you come forward, or I won't reply. By all means, keep commenting. So far your comments have been nothing but positive.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and you wonder if your stuck there forever...

Karin said...

Well, you deserve a nice ride, Tink! The problem might be that your train is too long and heavy to pull. Need to get rid of a coach or two...