Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Food For Thoughts

I just spent a most wonderful afternoon and evening. Me and my lovely friend Toril took some well deserved time off, abandoned our books and computers, and philosophized over a nice Thai meal accompanied with a bottle of red wine. (Yeah, I know what you want to say, but I don't care that much about wine "rules", if I want red wine, I drink red wine.)

Allthough our histories have a lot of similarities, and we do discuss them too, I think we both agree that what's going on right now and the future are far more rewarding topics. Not only our personal future, but in general, and on the bus on my way home I had all these ingenious ideas I wanted to blog later. I thought I had a brilliant strain coming about reader/writer and identity, and another one about the concept of evilness. But what happened when I got home? I just hit the couch, watched a very interesting program on National Geographic together with my children, and did virtually nothing. And it felt great! Great because I was relaxed for the first time in a very long time.

I can always write another day...


Anonymous said...

Karin, it was great! We ought to have a philosophic dinner weekly, it's like salvation - if you ask me :) Food was good, the wine delicious, and the conversation outstanding!! Nothing like an intellectual friend who has experienced life so similar to me, and with whom you can talk about absolutely everything!!

In case you didn't know it, or if someone hasn't told you lately - YOU are an extraordinary woman and a cherished FRIEND!!!!

Karin said...

I'm almost blushing... But you'll better get prepared for beeing red faced yourself, 'cause I would like to respond with the same words!