Monday, March 13, 2006

French (Music)

A couple of weeks ago I found a very interesting radiostation, a French one called Divergence FM 93.9 (wich coincidentally is from Montpellier, a place I have planned to visit for a while now). I must come clear here and admit that I don't speak French, not a single word! (I chose German in highschool) But I wish I did, and I think I might like to learn French eventually. But just listening to that language is like music. I almost feel like Jamie Lee Curtis in "A Fish Called Wanda"...;)

Anyhow, one day listening to this station, something sort of came through to me. There was this man, more talking than singing, and you could tell he had been living his life to the full. His rusty voice was filled with emotions. I actually caught the name (!) and only the same afternoon I had ordered a CD. Amazing Amazon did a splendid job as usual and the CD arrived today. Tomorrows busride to the University will be a pleasure.

The name? Ah, pardon! - Philippe LĂ©otard

He was, as I found out, an actor and a quite famous one as well. Sometimes I feel so inadequate, there are so much I want to know, and all I do is sitting here writing in my blog...


Anonymous said...

Montpellier is a fantastic, very charming place to go to. If you want to go there its easy.
I should recomended you to fly to Nice (low priceticket from gothenburg about 1.000 skr) and then go buy car 300km or train to montepellar, becuse their is alot to see on the way that you must see a fantstic landscape, culture and good atmosphere.
The best period in my opinion is may, june or september depending on what you want to do.
(July or august is crazy on the riviera avoid that if its possible)


Anonymous said...

Montpellier is a fantastic, very charming place to go to. If you want to go there its easy.
I should recomended you to fly to Nice (low priceticket from gothenburg about 1.000 skr) and then go buy car 300km or train to montepellar, becuse their is alot to see on the way that you must see a fantstic landscape, culture and good atmosphere.
The best period in my opinion is may, june or september depending on what you want to do.
(July or august is crazy on the riviera avoid that if its possible)


Anonymous said...

I dont speak French at all but i have survived at least 15 times
in the area the last years.

the language is not any problem,
even if it will be tricky som times.


Karin said...

Sounds good, and thanks to for the tip. But I'm actually fortunate enough to have connections with a house down there, the trip just hasn't fit in to my schedule yet. Maybe this summer? It seems like a possibility, no cats or dogs that are dependent on me now...