Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dear Anonymous!

I hope I didn't offend you! As I said, your comments have been nothing but positive, and my decision to enable comment moderations has not that much to do with myself as with someone else. A dear friend of mine has been very unfortunate, and I will do anything to protect her. Your location indicated that you in some way could possibly be connected to that, therefore my words about "coincidenses". I will still communicate with anonymous people on my blog though, I just wanted to be able to inspect and approve comments before publishing. Does this sound fair to you?

Also I've realized that things usually works my way sooner or later, and my worst fears have so far rarely proven to be true. I think I'll stay positive from now on, hopefully I won't loose my writingskills because of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course I am not offended!!! I was a bit embarrassed, that's all. I am looking forward to your latest publications.

Some time in the future I will find the time and knowledge to start my own blog.