Saturday, May 20, 2006


Yesterday I did a few things, and I'm not too sure about how well they reflect my current mental condition. Firstly I went to the music shop to listen to a new record I thought I'd like to buy. I did buy it, plus two more, and I guess that wasn't really smart considering all the expenses I've had lately. Then when I got home I should've been sitting all afternoon and evening with my books, and did so for a little while. But I got distracted (again), and pulled out my dustcovered sewingmachine to make those pillowcases I'd been planning to do for ages! The evening I spent watching TV like a lethargic imbecile.

So one would imagine that sooner or later I'd get my act together and start reading properly, but today has been even worse. I started out with what I initially had in mind but somehow I just slid over to a much more fun project. Redesigning my blog that is. A whole weekend without accomplishing much useful, apart from having a little bit of fun. Then again, that is exactly what I need.

But the alarming thing, is that I feel a bit indifferent to the prospect of failing. Can somebody please wake me up?


Anonymous said...

Well - if it`s any comfort, yours truly is behaving in the exact same strange manner indeed. Maybe I should come over to your house and we can kick each others asses into next week? :)

Karin said...

You're welcome for coffee and kicks anytime! You might enjoy some of the music as well. I'm listening to it right now, and it actually inspires me. Mari Boine is a good example how important it is to stick to your beliefs and go your own way.

Anonymous said...

One of my very favorite words is lethargic, and I'm about to add lethargic imbecile to it!!! I must confess I have felt like a lethargic imbecile on several occasions when it comes to my academic carrier, and how I confront it at times. I suppose there are too many other things to do that are a lot more fun, never mind all the chores that need to be done. I keep putting them all up on the shelf to collect dust, and suddenly I've just had enough of the dusting!! I assume this is how you feel at this stage, and the reason you're allowing yourself to get distracted. I believe you need it, and it just may do wonders for you at the final exam. Maybe we should stop worrying so much???

I've had an interesting weekend, and have done absolutely nothing academically. I feel bad about that, as usual, but I don't feel bad about all the things I got done. When I look outside today, and see the rain pouring down, I realize I should have spent yesterday outside to enjoy the sun :) Another evidence that we keep putting our entire life up on the shelf to collect dust, or simply the fact that I've never taken the time to sit unless I absolutely have to - for instance when I study!! I might just miss it one day ;)