Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Almost done now, I had my JAVA exam yesterday, and then there's only an oral in litterature left, which will at worst downgrade by one mark. Really can't believe I made it, still it's the same story all over again. I'll start the semester with the best intention of making some drastic changes regarding how and when I'll work, feeling absolutely optimistic that "this time I'll do it right!" Then as always life decides to intervene, and nothing turns out the way I wanted.

Next semester, I'll do it differently...

pic from Dave Archer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clever girl - as always!! You'll be applying to take your Master Degree before you know what the heck hit you ;)

Good to see you today, you seemed so happy and content!! Keep smiling, and forget about the sadness and challenges of life - at least for awhile :)