Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It Runs In The Family

Although some things ran through me. But here's what my talanted daughter is doing in her spare time:

She's got her own place at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Art site Elfwood


Anonymous said...

Impressive indeed!! With all your talents it's no wonder the children have inherited some of them!! Encourage them to study something they enjoy, and support them all the way. Getting a degree to live up to a parent's wish or demand, truly is a waste of life :)

Karin said...

Having talent is one thing, but it's also important to take care of it with stimaulation and nourishing. You see, I think my children got some talents from both sides, 'cause despite what he's doing (or not doing) with it now my ex actually is quite gifted in areas that could be more interesting than digging up oil. He used to write hilarious stuff, and both you and me know what a good laugh is worth. Such a pity though that he chose not to pursue a more humanistic career as he said he would have wanted to do. Might have something to do with fear, as most negative outcomes have.

Anonymous said...

Childhood and the environment he grew up in has shaped this man you were married to once upon a time. Unfortunately he will pass on his fears and insecurities to his children, because he now believes he made the right choices. The world is all about money and fame you know, well that is most of the time! He got his education when he was young, and it has shaped the way he thinks about the world. You and I, on the other hand, are middle age before we get our education, and therefore our perspectives are different. We dare to do the things we want and like to do, but would we have done it at 20 somehting??? I doubt it, but I'm speaking for myself now, you may have been a lot braver than I am ;)

Karin said...

True. But in a way I think it was qiute brave to stay home and look after the family back then. I remember meeting an old schoolmate shortly after having Linn, and she asked: "So what do you do now?" "Well, I just had a baby, so I'm home taking care of her." I replied. I can still see her face: "But what do you do?

I think she went to the university, as expected from her very achademic parents.