Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Freezer Rules

I wrote a post about happiness last week, and there were a few things I thought I'd say, but then changed my mind. I wanted to say that happiness should be more than absence of pain and misery. But now I changed my mind again, you see, it made me quite happy to know I don't have to put up with this kind of shit anymore:

You might think this looks like something from the kitchen area at a juvenile correctional institution, but it isn't. So then again it makes me equally unhappy that someone else dear to me still has to endure this.


Anonymous said...

Does not look too bad to me. Think of all the times when you get something nice from the shop and put it in the fridge. Then thinking about it and waiting for the right moment to eat it. Only then to find it has gone..... and someone else is licking their lips!!!

Karin said...
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Karin said...

See your point, but in this case it doesn't really apply though. Without exposing the people involved too much, let's just say; we're not talking lobster here. I've got some advice too that I perhaps should reconsider this post, and she may be right. I'll probably remove it, especially since it seems incomprehensible.

And another thing, as I said before; I'd rather preferred you'd comment here introducing yourself in one way or another. Everything else is just impolite, and therefore I won't except any more anonymous comments. I hope you don't see a problem with that.

Karin said...

Seriously Cowboy, you have to come up with something better than that. You see, me too got some control issues, and I still don't know who you are. As you don't know me, you can't possibly imagine what's behind my blog, but for reasons I don't see the need to explain here, I won't communicate with unknown people. Call it "Blog Rules" if you want to, but it's my decision.

Anonymous said...

The "Freezer rules" make med sick to my stomach, and if I was you I would praise the Lord and everyone else in the world that you don't have to spend anymore time with such an ignorant bastard.

Don't you wonder how we can stay married for such a long time, and knowing for years before the split that the entire marriage is a total failure??????

The sad thing is that our precious children have to endure the misery, and possibly for years after we have stepped out of the penal institution!!

I think there is something seriously wrong with his head, and I mean that!! It's not like he can't afford to feed a child and a couple of his friends occasionally!!!!

He ought to get a life

Karin said...

Ok, Cowboy. I'll let it pass for now, but you'll better behave while in my class! Sorry, just practicing my teaching skills in case I'll need that later in life. Anyways, as you're new to the bloggingworld may I give you some advice?

There are innumerous blogs out there, and if you want to get recognized you'll have to do something that stands out. And you'll have to make it personal in some way, different from the rest. That'll be either in content or design, or both.

But then again most blogs are read by family and friends, unless you have something to say related to your profession. The reasons for writing are various, but in my case it's simply something I have to do, and for the time being it's on the net. And I must admit I don't read that many blogs myself, I have a few I visit regularly, apart from that I can't allow myself to get all absorbed in the net all day. Have other things to do. Tricky isn't? 'Cause you'd like someone to read your own blog, but you can't be bothered reading everyone elses?

Back to your blog: work on it, 'cause even if you don't say a single word about yourself, A LOT cn be read out of what and where you link, your interests, and so on.

Good Luck!

Karin said...

I'll be keeping an eye, interesting to see how it'll turn out.

Now I have to do some serious studying, there's an exam in ten days. I might not get that much time for blogging, but we'll see.