Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Flower Girl

My daughter got real Green Fingers, and I promised you I'd post the picture from my birthday. So here it is, along with a couple of beautyful lillies from her garden. Enjoy!

Snake's Head Lily


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Karin! I love the flower arrangement, and she did really well blending the colors :) Not that I know much about arranging flowers, but I DO have my favorite colors!!

Lillies are one of my very favorite flowers. I think I need to visit the garden center soon - maybe even today... I love buying flowers in May, it makes such a huge difference around the house after a long and dull winter!!

Karin said...

Yes, she's quite an artist, isn't she? She even did wonders with the little spot I got outside my apartment. Not finished yet though, I'll post some pictures later.

I'm off on my bike today, maybe I'll see you later?

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me!!. I could do with a leisurely walk in the sun, and I may even devour an icecream in the heat ;)