Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hi Angela!

Thanks to you I now look like Babe Ruth! After reading your post "Celebrity Me(s)" I too was curious about which gorgeous celebrity I'd look like. I followed the link to My Heritage, but 'cause I didn't have a suitable photo I quickly loaded my digital camera and took a shot of myself. I forgot to smile and the result was depressing, the two people I resembled most was Leonardo di Caprio and as mentioned, Babe Ruth. I was so unsatisfied with this I didn't even think of taking a screenshot, and I deleted my own picture.

Ok, let's give it another try, I thought, and took another selfportrait which didn't work out any better:

Finally, I had a third go and smiled like an idiot to the camera. Well, how about that? Keira Knightley? I can live with that.

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