Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Love & War

Is it possible to be defeated even if you're weren't aloud to fight? Do you really need permission to go to war, or is that a contradiction? I think I have to sue the Ministry of Defence here, 'cause I believe they've been doing a lousy job lately. And I also heard everything is allowed. What is that really? Can someone please point me in the direction where they keep the documents concerning Everything? Which department?


Anonymous said...

It's possible to be defeated even without a fight - both you and I know that!! Superior and powerful Superpowers need permission to go to war, but as you know they don't really give a hoot!!! They pretend to listen, but do as they please, simply because they have the power and the weapons!!! Ministries of Defence do have their limitations indeed.

You see, my friend, there are superpowers, and there are people that will go to war without permission. They make their own excuses and compelling reasons to attack the less fortunate. We have learnt to treat people - friends, neighbors, relatives or indeed strangers - with dignity and respect (treat others as we would like others to treat us...), and we do. Unfortunately, we may seem like the loosers, to others and occasionally to ourselves, but deep inside we know that we're doing right, and they are doing wrong!!!

Everything is not allowed! If it wasn't for kind, caring, honest, compassionate, emphatic, symphatic and concientous people like you, Karin, there wouldn't be much meaning of life.

Keep that in mind when frustration plays games with your mind :)

Karin said...

The connection and similarities between the enormous structure of a Superpower and the small Individual is so intriguing and compelling I almost see myself forced to read up on my German in order to understand Luhmann!

I have a strong feeling I'd find a lot worthwhile in his works.