Friday, May 12, 2006

Raging Bull

I believe my starsign and my current mood make me qualify for this title. So what's up now? Pretty much the same, but I'm exhausted. Sick and tired of trying to do the right thing and never get anything in return. Ok, "anything" maybe wasn't the right word, but I feel it doesn't really pay off living the way I am. Too bad I have a conscience, otherwise I think I would start stealing, lying and cheating as so many others do. A little murder now and again?

I'm not religious, but the fundamentals in most religions hold some very good values, I think. And apart from the first three Commandments actually related to God, I believe I'm sticking better to them than some Christians do. (Or maybe not, shamefully I must admit I break another one almost everyday. My excuse though, is that I consider myself the only hurting part.) Boasting about how "good" I am is not exactly a very appealing trait, and by doing that I probably commit one of the cardinals sins too. I guess I have committed more than one actually, so maybe I'm not such a good person afterall? However, I've found out that it's possible to be both virtuous and "sinful" at the same time. Quite conflicting and confusing, 'cause by being overly virtuous you would possibly also fall into the seven sins. The aim must then be to stay on the Golden Mean?

So if I was religious I could at least say I would get paid in heaven, on the other hand maybe I would try to get an early withdrawal then? No, I think I rather stay here, sooner or later it has to work out.

Hope is the last thing we surrender, and thank God(!) for that.

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