Monday, May 15, 2006

Needles & Pins

Imagine crying over a lost needle. Sounds pretty silly, don't you think? Well, my son came over the other day, and kindly asked me if I could sew the loose button back on his pants. In my previous life I would have gone straight to the drawer where I kept my sewing accessories, and fixed it immediately. My exhusband always thought my drawers were in a complete chaotic state, and he may have been right, but I never had any problem finding what I needed when I needed it. One of my dreams back then was also to have a room to myself were I could keep my sewing machine and everything else important to me. My space, filled with tools for all my hobbies.

And now? I don't even know where my needles are, and trying to find one reminds me too painfully how much things have changed. A lot for the better though, but I still wish I had a private space. Not to mention the time to use it.

I sincerely hope Catherine Jamieson won't mind me "stealing" her picture. Take a look at her site; beautiful photos indeed.


Mansoor Qaisar said...

nice blog & nice posting as well!!!!!!!!!!

Karin said...

Thank you! Always comforting to know someone's appreciating my writing.