Not Everything Is What It Looks Like
"There was this newlywed, young woman, who went to IKEA and bought a wardrobe. When she came home she immediately started to assemble the piece. Just as she finished the bus came along, and while passing the bus stop on the street outside, the wardrobe fell apart!
She reassembled the wardrobe, and the same thing happened again when the next bus came. She called IKEA, told them what happened, and they promised to send a guy to fix it.
He came, and managed to reassemble the wardrobe once more. But as soon as he'd done so, the bus came, and the whole thing fell apart again.
When this had happened twice, he decided to place himself inside the wardrobe in hope of understanding the course of events.
At same time the young womans husband came home. He was curious about the new furniture his wife had bought, and he entered the bedroom where the wardrobe was placed. Once he'd admired it from the outside, he opened the doors to have a look inside.
He stared at the guy from IKEA, who was standing in there saying:
-You probably won't believe me, but I'm actually waiting for the bus."
Thank you, Anna, for sending me this. Maybe I'll see you Friday then?