Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another Day At Work...

I've gotten an assignment! Then I might be able to do something useful here, after all?

There's a lot of interesting stuff going on here at The Institute of Marine Research, and Øystein Skaala has with his work made a fascinating contribution. With DNA-technology they are now capable of tracing escapees from the salmon farms, and that's pretty amazing, I think.

My part in this is to write a Newsletter about the subject, which then will be distributed to some 500 different places around Norway, like The Directory of Fisheries, The Norwegian Coastal Administration, The Ministry of the Environment, and various universities and research institutes.

I hear from some of the others here that they don't necessarily pay that much attention to what they write about; they merely do a summery of some scientific report, and translate it to a language understandable for people outside that particular research area. I'm not sure if that lack of interest in the scientific material is just because it has faded, or if they never were that interested to begin with, but I know for myself that I find it immensely engaging. It could have something to do that I'm not under that same time pressure as "my colleagues" are; as a student I'm not expected to produce as much. What a luxury! Better enjoy that while I can, one day I too have to work for money...

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