Thursday, March 22, 2007

At Work

-So, how was your first day at work? a friend of mine asked me yesterday. Then I couldn't answer, 'cause I simply didn't do anything. Nothing that could be called work anyway. Today though I was so desperate to be useful that I offered myself to do any type of slave work. I even volunteered to make coffee. But these people are so nice that they at first didn't take me seriously.

-You're here to learn, aren't you? Why do such boring tasks?

Well, I haven't exracted PDF-files before, so why not give that a go? The annual report consisting over 200 pages is supposed to be devided into chapters before it's published to the net. And each chapter is usually not longer than 2 or three pages, so you'll do the math. A lot of extracting, ctrl+c, ctrl+v and ctrl+s and so on. But I actually believe this kind of work could be very fulfilling (at least for a change) - it's so easy to measure your progression. And at the end of the day you can leave it all behind. It'll still be there by Monday...

I'm not coming in here tomorrow, have something else to do. By three o'clock you acn check it out on my Mobile Blog!

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